
Thirunavukkarasu thevaram
Thirunavukkarasu thevaram

Those monkeys - who counted death as nothing and who were fond of doing favour to me - let them get re-united with their near and dear ones by your grace. They made their strenuous efforts and died. They were all valiant, proving their energies and did not take their death into account. O the bestower of honour! I wish to see all those monkeys, who for my sake, were removed from their sons and wives, be delighted at heart. The dead Vānaras were brought back to life by Lord Indra after being asked by Lord Sri Rāma. The resurrection of Vānaras from the Rāmāyaṇa.Īs explained in the other answer to this question, Valmiki Rāmāyaṇa Yuddha Kanda sarga 120 mentions the resurrection of Vānaras.The lord who is all knowledgeable, touched the body of the elephant with his lotus-like feet and said, "O elephant, you will remain alive with your family for a kalpa." Lord Vishnu pleased with the prayer of the elephants restores the life of the bull elephant and bestows a life for Kalpa. There after, the wives and the children of the bull elephant pray Lord Vishnu. Lord Visnu delightfully cut-off his head by using Sudarsana-cakra which was soaked in blood and kept it over Garuda and was quite pleasant to look at. Reaching the bank of Puspabhadra river, he found an elephant enjoying the company of cow elephants. This story is explained in this answer by finding all the people fainted Vişņu mounted on Garuda, went to the northern direction and reached the bank of Puspabhadra river. That elephant was also brought back to life after being prayed by cow elephants. In the above story, Lord Vishnu beheads a bull elephant's head using his Sudarshana Chakra. The bull elephant whose head is cut off.In this way, Lord Ganesha attained was brought back to life by Lord Vishnu. The lord who has been the form of Brahman applying the divine knowledge uttered humkara brought back the child back to life. He (Vishnu )took out the trunk of the child from the lap of Parvati, kept him in his lap and joined the elephant head with the trunk of the child. O sage, at the gaze of the Saturn, the head of the child was cut off and Saturn closed his eyes at once, Looking downwards and stood there. Lord Ganesha's head was chopped off and it was replaced by Lord Vishnu with head of a bull elephant which was sleeping with its head sleeping towards north direction.įrom Chapter 12, Ganapati Khanda, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Ganesha brought back to life after beheading.There are plenty of resurrection stories mentioned in Hinduism. The celestials disperse and the whole army of Indra grants the boon and all the dead monkeys are Indra to bring back to life, all the monkeys who had lost their life When Indra the lord of celestials asks Rama for a boon, Rama requested "Those mokeys - who coutned death as nothing and who were fond ofĭoing favour to me - let them get re-united with their near and dear Grace  aham = I  vR^iNe = seek  etam = this varam = boon (of you). (with their near and dear ones)  tvatprasaadaat = by your Were fond of doing favour to me  te sameyuH = let them get reunited te = those monkeys  ye = who  na gaNayanti = did not take into account  mR^ityum = their death  abhiraktaaH matpriyeShu = and who."Let all those monkeys and bears along with long-tailed monkeys, who have been killed in battle, by the demons and whose heads and arms have been severed, be alive and active again." Severed samuttiShThantu = be active again. Have been killed  yudhi = in battle raakShasaiH = by theĭemons  nikR^ittanana baahavaH = and whose heads and arms have been te sarve = (Let) all those monkeys  R^ikShaashcha = and bears  gopuchchhaiH = along with long-tailed monkeys ye hataaH = who.There is One intersting story in Valmiki Ramayna (Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War) about Resurrection of the Monkeys by Lord Indra, who were killed in the battle between Shree Rama and Ravana.

Thirunavukkarasu thevaram